IPTAR PRESENTS REVOLUTIONS IN TECHNIQUE: On Klein’s r/evolution in psychoanalysis Ron Britton, MD Discussant: Neal Vorus, PhD
Moderator: Carolyn Ellman, PhD  May 5th, 2018 9:00 am – 4:30 pm IPTAR, 1651 Third Ave, suite 205 Register here: http://iptar.org/event/Britton-2018

ADMISSION General: $125 includes 5 CE credits Candidates: $25 includes 5 CE credits

9am – 9:30am — BREAKFAST
9:30am – 10:45 am: Dr. Ron Britton (followed by audience Q&A)

The paper describes the evolution of so called post-Kleinian analysis and its current style as exemplified in the work of Ronald Britton. The development of a method of using psychoanalysis with young children largely based on the application of dream analysis to children’s play made considerable changes to adult analysis. A child case is described that illustrates manifest recapitulation in play of an immediate life trauma and its segregation from the primitive phantasy that existed in the child’s frightening dream life. The paper discusses some of Britton’s own ideas and those shared with others such as John Steiner that have influenced technique as well as theorizing such as the concept of triangular space, thick and thin narcissistic organisations and the post-depressive position (PSn+1) with a clinical example from an adult analysis. The paper shows how Melanie Klein’s child based approach was considerably influenced by Bion’s adumbrations on the necessary abstinence from memory and desire and his intuitive approach developed from Poincare’s description of the selected fact.

10:45- 11:00 — COFFEE BREAK

11:00am – 11:30am: Response by Dr. Neal Vorus

11:30am – 12:30pm: Further remarks by Dr. Britton, discussion with Dr. Vorus with moderator Dr. Carolyn Ellman. Open to Audience Q&A

12:30pm – 2:00pm — LUNCH

2:00pm – 3:30pm: Dr. Britton will present a current clinical case for discussion. Dr. Britton will also discuss with Dr. Vorus his various psychoanalytic papers. His wife, Martha Papadakis, a senior training analyst at the British Society, will join them in this discussion. She was also a member of Betty Joseph’s workshop for many years.

3:30pm -3:45pm — BREAK

3:45pm – 4:30pm: Further remarks by Dr. Britton; discussion with Dr. Neal Vorus, Dr. Papadakis, and audience moderated by Dr. Carolyn Ellman.

Ron Britton, MD is qualified in Medicine at University College London, and after postgraduate work in Neurology at Queen’s Square London trained in adult and child psychiatry at the Maudsley Hospital and the Tavistock Clinic, London. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, Distinguished Fellow of the British Psychoanalytical Society and Honorary Fellow of the British Psychoanalytical Association; he was given the “IPA Award for Outstanding Scientific Contributions” in July 2013 and the “Sigourney Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychoanalysis” 2013. He was given Hon. Doctor of Literature by University of East London in 2005. His books include, The Oedipus Complex Today; Belief and Imagination; Sex, Death and the Superego and his newest Between Mind and Brain. He first trained in psychoanalysis at the Tavistock clinic which meant from the beginning he learnt to practice analysis in a setting mainly influenced by Klein, Bion and child analysis. Ron Britton’s mentors were Hanna Segal, Betty Joseph and Herbert Rosenfeld whilst Bion has been the principal theoretical influence.

Neal Vorus, PhD is a Training and Supervising Analyst and Faculty Member at IPTAR, and is an Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor at the NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. He is the author of several publications on the integration of Contemporary Freudian and Modern Kleinian perspectives. Dr. Vorus is in private practice in New York City.

Learning objectives:

1. To learn about developments in British Kleinian perspectives on technique over the past three decades as demonstrated through a clinical case.

2. To understand the essential role of triangular space and the development of a “third position” in integrating objective and subjective frames of reference during the analytic process and implications for technique.

3. To recognize and understand the crucial importance of “feeling understood” during the analytic process, as well problems posed by patients who carry a malignant expectation of misunderstanding.

4. To understand Klein’s child based approach as it was influenced by Bion.

5. To describe and understand Britton’s concept of triangular space.

6. To understand Britton and Steiner’s concepts of thick and thin narcissistic organizations and the post-depressive position.

Reading Suggestions:

1. Britton, R. (1998). Before and after the depressive position. In Belief and Imagination, Routledge, Chapter 6.

2. Britton, R. and Steiner, J. (1994). Interpretation: Selected fact or overvalued idea? IJPA 75: 1069-1076.

3. Britton, R. (1989). The missing link: Parental sexuality in the Oedipus complex. In The Oedipus Complex Today, pp. 83-101.

4. Britton, R. (2005). Subjectivity, objectivity, and triangular space. PSQ 73(1): 47-61.

5. Britton, R. (1995). Psychic reality and unconscious belief. IJP 76: 19-23.

6. Britton, R. (2000). Hyper objectivity and Hyper objectivity in narcissistic disorder. Fort Da 6(2): 53-64.

Social Workers: The Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research (IPTAR) is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers (#SW-0226).

Licensed Psychoanalysts: The Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research (IPTAR) is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychoanalysts (#P-0011).

Licensed Creative Arts Therapists: The Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research (IPTAR) is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed creative arts therapists (#CAT-0037).

Licensed Mental Health Counselors: The Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research (IPTAR) is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed mental health counselors. (#MHC-0112).

(5) CE credits will be granted to participants who have registered, have documented evidence of attendance of the entire program and have completed the on-line evaluation form. Upon completion of the evaluation form a Certificate of Completion will be emailed to all participants who comply with these requirements.

Many thanks from the IPTAR Program Committee: Jeanne Even (Chair), Eva Atsalis, Susan Berger, Carolyn Ellman, Steven Ellman, Susan Finkelstein, Anna Fishzon, Judy Ann Kaplan, Masha Mimran, Bruce Reis, Jamieson Webster