Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association presents

WORKSHOP: On Sublimation with Erik Porge , Friday, February 23, 2018 · 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm Saturday, February 24, 2018 · 10:30 am – 2:30 pm, The School of Visual Arts, 136 West 21st Street, New York, NY

Continuing our investigations of sublimation in the clinic, we will focus on the analyst’s practice. Sublimation has to do with the analyst’s savoir-faire, yet should not be confused with what we call the analyst’s desire.

Suggested Readings: Lacan: Preface to the English-language edition of Seminar XI, The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis (1976); “Conférence à Genève sur le symptôme” (1975, in Autres écrits); Seminars VI, Le désir et son interprétation, 1958-59 and XVI, D’un Autre à l’autre, 1968-69. Glover, Edward: “Sublimation, Substitution and Social Anxiety” (1931; lacanianworks.net).

Erik Porge is a psychoanalyst practicing in Paris. A member of the École Freudienne de Paris until its dissolution, he is the co-founder of the Association de psychanalyse Encore, the editor-in-chief of the psychoanalytic journal Essaim and a faculty member of Après-Coup. He is the author of a number of well-known books, including Les Noms du père chez Jacques Lacan (1997), Jacques Lacan, un psychanalyste (2000), Voix de l’écho (2012) and Le ravissement de Lacan (2015). Truth and Knowledge in the Clinic is his first book to be translated into English.

Fee: $25 per session; students with ID, $15 per session

Attendance is free for members of Après-Coup as well as for the

faculty and students of the School of Visual Arts.


For more information, visit www.apres-coup.org