The Hate That Can’t Be Contained

Click Here to Read: The Hate That Can’t Be Contained: Jewish students like me thought not being on campus would at least spare them some drama. We couldn’t have been more wrong BY Blake Flayton on the Tablet website on  November 25, 2020. 
Mall of University of Delaware, Spring, 2000, by Paramount Wide Angle,11MB, HD. Image: Parkpay2000.  Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

POETRY MONDAY: December 7, 2020


Forrest Hamer

Good morning, all – and happy post-Thanksgiving, our first, yes, since the pandemic lockdown and a time to relieve and refresh ourselves with poetry.

I had known of Forrest Hamer’s work as a poet long before I learned that he is also a psychoanalyst (notice what I put first here).  Since so many of our readers are also in mental health professions, it seems more than appropriate to feature him now, when it’s what so many of us seem to need.

These are trying times, as Forrest Hamer reminds us in his article, “This Country Is Going to Kill Me” (The American Psychoanalyst. Vol. 54, No. 3. Fall 2020).  I do hope you will be able to read his stirring article for yourselves, in which Hamer discusses his feelings of vulnerability on  first learning that the virus is “disproportionately affecting Black, Latino, and Native populations in the U.S.”  As one who is older, has health vulnerabilities, is Black and male, he knows he is at greater risk than many others, even though he realizes he is privileged by being able to work remotely and  having access to good health care.  He also observes that most of the Black male patients in his practice feel the same way he does. Then other Continue reading POETRY MONDAY: December 7, 2020

Does Dream Interpretation Have Any Scientific Basis?

Click Here to Read: Does Dream Interpretation Have Any Scientific Basis? Scientists are trying to wrap their heads around the content of your dreams, from the wild to the mundane By Leslie Nemo on the Discover website on December 3, 2020.

Laura Theresa Alma-Tadema  (1852–1909)  World of dreams. Image: VAN HAM Kunstauktionen, Köln, 15.05.2015, lot 708 via Lot-tissimo Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons