POETRY MONDAY: October 5, 2020

                                                                                         PHIL TIMPANE

Good morning, everyone!  It seems strange to say “good morning” when I’m writing this after dark, but everything seems strange in what Farhad Manjoo called “a present as nutty as ours” (NY Times, 9/24/20). But poetry, as always, will help us to survive.

Our poet today is an old friend to this column, as he was featured here in one of our earliest years.  Now here he is again, looking venerable and bardic, with new poems and details about his life, of the kind I always like to share with readers.

Phil Timpane works with his hands, his business mind and his ever-working philosophical mind.  By day he is a building contractor; the rest of his time, he says, he “designs and builds new poems.” This kind of day job is not unusual for serious artists in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts.  I know two other contractors who are well-published poets, another who is an Equity actor and a third who runs a Continue reading POETRY MONDAY: October 5, 2020