On the Act of Speech, Part II, online with Après-Coup

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Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association

An Introduction to Psychoanalysis with Mark Solms

For $33 – the price of a meal at your favourite restaurant (still awkward) – watch this PRACTICAL introduction to psychoanalysis from Mark Solms’ study. Three superb one-hour videos pre-recorded during the hight of lockdown, via Zoom. In these short lectures, Professor Mark Solms not only teaches psychoanalysis, he also delivers a down-to-earth, simple, and contemporary revision of the discipline, as it is practised by many psychoanalysts, including him, today.

LECTURE 1: Drive Theory
What are the real driving forces behind emotional life? Freud thought there were two drives, but there are many more …
Continue reading An Introduction to Psychoanalysis with Mark Solms