POETRY MONDAY: July 6, 2020

     Cynthia Read Gardner

Good morning, everyone.  Under normal circumstances, I would be saying, “Happy Fourth of July Weekend” and we’d be packing the picnic lunches and getting the sparklers and flags ready.  But these are far from normal circumstances, as we well know.  We’re social distancing, wearing our masks and trying to stay healthy and well, for others’ sakes as well as our own.

Many of us have been out protesting racial inequity, which is another form of trying to help our whole world become well – or at least, better than it has been, which may be the best we can hope for at this moment in time.

This column has always been devoted to diversity, which means we feature poets of all racial, cultural, gender and age groups.  You’ll have to decide for yourselves in which category Gardner belongs.  How about “human”? Continue reading POETRY MONDAY: July 6, 2020

Bizarre new planet is largest known rocky world, 40 times as massive as Earth

Click Here to Read: Bizarre new planet is largest known rocky world, 40 times as massive as Earth: The bulky object—possibly the core of a failed gas giant—challenges what astronomers think about how planets form by Nadia Drake on the National Geographic website on July 1, 2020.
This artist’s concept depicts select planetary discoveries made to date by NASA’s Kepler space telescope.  Credits: NASA/W. Stenzel.

William Dement, ‘father of sleep medicine,’ dies at 91

Click Here to Read: William Dement, ‘father of sleep medicine,’ dies at 91 When William Dement began working as a medical researcher in the 1950s, the topic of sleep was considered a yawn, scientifically speaking — an area perhaps appropriate for Freudian psychoanalysis but not for vigorous investigation by white-coated lab experts.by By Harrison Smith in The Washington Post on June 22 2020.
Image: Shanghai killer whale.  Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons’