JIM HABA            

Good morning, everyone.  A bit cooler today, in our new two-seasons-only weather here in the northeastern U.S.  I hope you’re still well.
Full disclosure: Our poet today is one we’ve featured before  (back in 2010, actually), and also my co-editor for an anthology just released by IPBooks: What They Bring: The Poetry of Migration and Immigration.  But there’s a bigger reason for my re-introducing you to Jim Haba today.  When you see the book you’ll note that the striking cover is from a painting by Erica Barton Haba, Jim’s wife and longtime artistic partner, a dear person lost to all of us just a few months ago.

Continue reading POETRY MONDAY: JUNE 1, 2020

Black Hole Paradoxes Reveal a Fundamental Link Between Energy and Order

Click Here to Read: Black Hole Paradoxes Reveal a Fundamental Link Between Energy and Order: By chewing on the problems posed by “extremal” black holes, physicists have exposed a surprising and universal connection between energy and entropy by Natalie Wolchover on the Quanta website on May 28, 2020.
Extremal Kerr-Newman black hole  Image: Yukterez (Simon Tyran, Vienna). Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

Speech, Signifier, Letter with Alain Vanier Online with Après-Coup

FOUNDATIONS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS Speech, Signifier, Letter Alain Vanier Saturday, May 30, 2020 10:00 am – 1:00 pm To register, click here.

We will study the difference between signifier and letter without overlooking the sign, a notion Lacan rethought at various points of his teaching. Particular attention will be paid to their relation to the act of speech and the subject of language. Continue reading Speech, Signifier, Letter with Alain Vanier Online with Après-Coup