Virtual Open Houses via Zoom at WCSPP

The Westchester Center for the Study of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
Please Join Our VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSES via ZOOM learn about our Couples Therapy Training Program on Sunday, May 3rd, 11am Child, Adolescent, Parent Psychotherapy Training Program on Wednesday, May 6th, 7-8pm & Sunday, May 17th, 10-11am Foundations of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Advanced Psychoanalytic Training Program on Saturday, May 9th, 2pm
Click here to register for any of our open houses

About Our Couples Therapy Training Program
Our Couples Therapy Training Program is a one year program which teaches both basic and advanced couples therapy techniques and theory Continue reading Virtual Open Houses via Zoom at WCSPP

Being a Psychanalytic Candidate in COVID-18 Times Online at MITPP

The journey of becoming a psychoanalytic psychotherapist presents candidates with rewarding moments as well as emotional and intellectual challenges. There are certain anxieties that seem to be inherent in the process of becoming an analyst: the great deal of exposure involved in presenting our clinical work, the mobilizing process of undergoing our own analysis/psychotherapy, the navigation of complex interpersonal dynamics with our patients, our supervisors, teachers and peers. As we all attempt to grapple with the unprecedented impact of the COVID- 19 pandemic, new challenges and anxieties emerge: We found ourselves overnight transitioning from the private office or clinic setting to our homes, charged Continue reading Being a Psychanalytic Candidate in COVID-18 Times Online at MITPP

Open House at NYPSI

The New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute Invites You to a Virtual Open House Tuesday, May 5th 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Join us for a discussion with Dr. Lynne Zeavin, NYPSI training analyst and supervisor, to discuss clinical questions and dilemmas of working in our new virtual environment. Meet candidates and faculty and learn about NYPSI’s
four-year psychoanalytic training program and one-year preparatory program.

A sample of what we will discuss includes: the challenges of balancing life and analytic training, the ins and outs of classes and supervision at NYPSI Continue reading Open House at NYPSI

How the Italians Lost Track of Machiavelli Just When They Needed Him

Click Here to Read: How the Italians Lost Track of Machiavelli Just When They Needed Him Journal of a Plague: When it comes to disease, sometimes the enemy has to be at the gates, or even inside them, before the Behavioral Immune System will start to mount a defense by Norman Doidge on the Tablet website on April 24, 2020.
Map of the 2019-nCoV outbreak in Italy as of March 5, 2020. Image: Night Lantern.  Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

The Real Nazi Hunters

Click Here to Read: The Real Nazi Hunters: People like Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzman and prosecutor John Loftus don’t get credit on TV, but it’s their work that exposed the U.S. government’s shielding of Nazi war criminals by Scott Lerner on the Tablet Website on April 22, 2020.
Former U.S. Representative from New York Elizabeth Holtzman. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.