The Day of Fate: Kristallnacht, on its 80th anniversary, still offers a potent lesson

Click Here to Read: The Day of Fate: Kristallnacht, on its 80th anniversary, still offers a potent lesson: We all face the choice between right and wrong, responsibility and recklessness, conscience and complicity by David Frum
on the The Atlantic Monthly website on November 9, 2018.

Photo: the German Federal Archive (Deutsches Bundesarchiv). Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

Crossfire Hurricane, FDR, precursors of Nazism, Mommy brain, 1945 from Sasha Rolde on

Dear Colleagues,

getting ready for the Chicago APsaA meeting, welcoming spring, and trying to ignore the national and global news ( in that order), I am preparing this weeks list of my choices on the international psychoanalytic website, which I will give you followed by the entire list; It seems that the psychology of today’s political situation – i.e. group psychology is more prevalent both in our patients’minds (what they bring at least to my office) and on our website.

My Choices:

1) Please read about”Crossfire Hurricane and FBI anxiety – apparently they all need a psychoanalyst to treat their  psychodynamics – go to it and write your comments!!!

2)  FDR”S solutions to the Holocaust – how “nice” was the USA? Continue reading Crossfire Hurricane, FDR, precursors of Nazism, Mommy brain, 1945 from Sasha Rolde on

Holocaust Museum’s Exhibit Makes Excuses for Ignoring Genocide

Click Here to Read:   Holocaust Museum’s Exhibit Makes Excuses for Ignoring Genocide: One shudders at the thought of museums one day conjuring up excuses for more recent presidents who likewise turned a blind eye to genocide or other atrocities around the world.
BY Rafael Medoff on the Jerusalem website on May 12, 2018.

Click Here to Read: New Documents Reveal FDR’s Eugenic Project to ‘Resettle’ Jews During World War II: As the Holocaust raged, the American president secretly asked his government to study the possible resettlement of remaining European refugees in Africa and South America. His goal: for Jews to be ‘spread thin all over the world.’ By Steve Usdin on the Tablet website on April 30, 2018.

Click Here to Read: Reexamining FDR’s Response to Kristallnacht Ken Burns and others have called it impressive, but the truth is less inspiring By Rafael Medoff on the Tablet website on November 4, 2014.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1933. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Continue reading Holocaust Museum’s Exhibit Makes Excuses for Ignoring Genocide