How Archaeologists Discovered Europe’s Oldest-Known Book, Revealing Never-Before-Seen Insights Into Ancient Religion and Philosophy

Click Here to Read: How Archaeologists Discovered Europe’s Oldest-Known Book, Revealing Never-Before-Seen Insights Into Ancient Religion and Philosophy: Charred by the flames of a funeral pyre, the Derveni Papyrus has proved to be a fascinating—and confounding—artifact by Teresa Nowakowski on the Smithsonian Magazine website on January 15, 2025

Derveni papyrus. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

‘They just got my uncle’

Click Here to Read: ‘They just got my uncle’: Immigration arrests spark fear among farmworkers in Central Valley by By Rachel Uranga and Andrea Castillo in the Los Angeles Time on January 11, 2025.

 Edison, Kern County, California. 17-year-old boy agri. [sic] worker sacking early potatoes after mechanical potato digger on large-scale potato ranch. Kern County planted 27,250 acres in potatoes (1940).Image: U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. Photographer  Dorothea Lange.

New Superconductive Materials Have Just Been Discovered

Click Here to Read: New Superconductive Materials Have Just Been Discovered: Three exotic new species of superconductivity were spotted last year, illustrating the myriad ways electrons can join together to form a frictionless quantum soup by Charlie Wood on the Wired website on January 12, 2025.

Levitation of a magnet on a superconductor Image: Julien Bobroff (user:Jubobroff), Frederic Bouquet (user:Fbouquet), Jeffrey Quilliam, LPS, Orsay, France. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.