Two Titles Now Available on Kindle

Now Available on Kindle for $8.99! 
Click Here to Purchase:  eBook of Inter Alia by Ernest Kafka on Kindle

Now Available on Kindle for $6.99!
Click Here to Purchase Survival Skills the eBook

“Inter Alia can be read as a memoir or as a textbook in psychoanalysis with the author as the case study. What bridges the two genres is the author’s ongoing reflection on what made him who he was and his impatient desire to overcome his shortcomings by introspection and through psychoanalytic treatment. It must also be said that it is is a love story. It is not saccharine—no one is larger than life, everyone has flaws—but nonetheless it is a story About love. It is about the author’s love for his parents, his children, and his wife, but also his love for his colleagues, his patients and for the people who helped him along the way. Viewed as the hero’s journey the protagonist moves from a position of alienatio Continue reading Two Titles Now Available on Kindle

A Haunted Patrimony

Click Here to Read:: Through their art collecting wealthy Jews staked a claim to being French, but the nation they loved savagely betrayed them by David A. Bell on the New York Review of Books website on July 1, 2021 issue.
Salon des Huet de l’Hôtel Moïse de Camondo. Musée Nissim de Camondo, Paris (75008). Image:  GO69  Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.