All Eyes on Alpha Centauri

Click Here to Read: All Eyes on Alpha Centauri: Takeaways from this week’s Breakthrough Discuss meeting By Dirk Schulze-Makuch on the AIRSPACEMAG.COM website on APRIL 14, 2021.
The two bright stars are (left) Alpha Centauri and (right) Beta Centauri, both binaries. The faint red star in the center of the red circle, at right angles to both and south-east of Alpha is Proxima Centauri, intensely red, smaller in size, weaker in brightness and a distant third element in a triple star system with the main close pair forming Alpha Centauri. Taken with Canon 85mm f/1.8 lens with 11 frames stacked, each frame exposed 30 seconds.  Image: Skatebiker Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

WORKSHOP ON CHILD ANALYSIS: The Child and Language — Catherine Vanier online with Après-Coup

Pablo Picasso, Claude Writing,1951. Oil on Canvas
WORKSHOP ON CHILD ANALYSIS  The Child and Language  Catherine Vanier   Saturday, April 24, 2021 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From birth to death human subjects are beings of language. They are immediately taken hold of, taken up with and by the words of the Other, before they’ve even had a chance to speak themselves.
Using clinical examples we will examine how children gain access to the word, and the traumatic consequences that follow, as much in normal conditions of young children’s lives as in psychoanalytic treatments.
Continue reading WORKSHOP ON CHILD ANALYSIS: The Child and Language — Catherine Vanier online with Après-Coup

On Voluntary Servitude with Paola Mieli at Après-Coup

Kazimir Malevich, Female Torso, 1928-9

SEMINAR: On Voluntary Servitude  with Paola Mieli    Saturday, April 17th, 2021 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)
In times like these, as new forms of totalitarianism are taking over everywhere, it’s necessary to reflect on humans’ inherent propensity to take joy in their own servitude. Returning to Freud’s and Lacan’s articulations of the subject of language and the social link, and that subject’s passion for ignorance, the seminar will explore the nature of the drive, masochism, and the ways the superego dictates the law one abides by. Psychoanalytic ethics can open a breach out of subjective servitude.
Suggested readings for April 17: Etienne de la Boétie (1530-1563), The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude; S. Freud, Group Psychology and Analysis of the Ego (1921), The Ego and the Id, Chapters III and V (1922); H. Kelsen, The Conception of the State and Social Psychology: With Special Reference to Freud’s Group Theory (1922).
Continue reading On Voluntary Servitude with Paola Mieli at Après-Coup

WCSPP Couples Therapy Program Open House – Saturday, 4/17

The Westchester Center for the Study of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy  Please Join Our VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSE via ZOOM learn about our Couples Therapy Training Program How Couples Training Can Change Your Practice -Hone your skills and confidence in treating couples -Become part of our Westchester/Connecticut community of clinicians -Begin or grow your private practice through our referral network of graduates Date & Time: Saturday April 17th, 1:00pm  Place: Wherever YOU Are…On Zoom! Opportunity for distance learning!  We welcome licensed clinicians from all parts of New York State and Connecticut.

About Our Training Program

Our Couples Therapy Training Program is a one year program which teaches both basic and advanced couples therapy techniques and theory with a combination of psychoanalytic and systems perspectives. Candidates are introduced to several different theoretical approaches including object Continue reading WCSPP Couples Therapy Program Open House – Saturday, 4/17

The Forger From Berne

Click Here to Read: The Forger From Berne: Between 1940 and 1944 a clandestine network of Polish diplomats and their Jewish partners in Switzerland created illegal Latin American passports that saved thousands of lives. Half of the documents were forged by one person—Polish Vice Consul in Berne Konstanty Rokicki BY Jakub Kumoch on the Tablet website on April 07, 2021.
Polish consular officer, vice consul of the Republic of Poland in Riga and Bern, Holocaust rescuer.  Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.