Hitler kept secret hit list of 3,000 prominent Brits for after Nazis defeated UK

Click Here to Read: Hitler kept secret hit list of 3,000 prominent Brits for after Nazis defeated UK: Author Sybil Oldfield reveals the Gestapo’s infamous ‘Black Book’ and the plan to Nazify Britain by rounding up the Jews – and non-Jews – who stood in the Third Reich’s way By Robert Philpot on the Times of Israel website on  March 12, 2021.

Panacea or Posion: Placebos and Nocebos in Modern Medicine at the Helix Center

Panacea or Posion: Placebos and Nocebos in Modern Medicine Saturday 2:30 PM EST 20 March 2021

Placebos “work” for quite a few medical problems. But how? And what is the work they do?

What one thinks a medicine is capable of, one’s idea of that medicine, may affect us in the way “proper” medicines do. This implies that, in observing the work of a placebo we are watching an idea affect biology, the mind moving the body.

Despite the dualist notions this description elicits, where mind and body are held as separate entities, most neuroscientists, generally of a monistic bent, welcome the challenge of the placebo effect. Most insist that placebos precisely demonstrate that the mind is one with the body. Yet, Continue reading Panacea or Posion: Placebos and Nocebos in Modern Medicine at the Helix Center

“The Intersection of Gender, Sexuality, and Our Current Crises” 4/9-10 online with CFS

The Intersection of Gender, Sexuality and Our Current Crises: The Psychological Impact of Race, Politics, Economics, and COVID
Friday, April 9, 2021 4:00-6:00pm EST and Saturday, April 10, 2010 11:00am-6:00pm EST Live via Zoom
Co-sponsored by the Contemporary Freudian Society, the International Psychoanalytical Association, and the American Psychoanalytic Association
Claudia Rankine, MacArthur Fellow and award-winning poet, will offer a Friday keynote inspired by her recent book, Just Us: An American Conversation.  She will be joined by San Francisco analyst, Francisco Gonzalez. Saturday will be a day of presentations and study on the intersectionality of our current world crises and gender and sexuality.
Two panels of forward-thinking psychoanalysts, along with break-out groups for self-study will offer the enriching opportunity to think, synthesize and reflect on issues concerning race, class, health and politics and the place of gender and sexuality.
This conference is open to members of the mental health community, as well as anyone interested in exploring the psychological impact of the pandemic on social issues embedded in our global fabric.

Continue reading “The Intersection of Gender, Sexuality, and Our Current Crises” 4/9-10 online with CFS