As Covid-19 Vaccines Raise Hope, Cold Reality Dawns That Illness Is Likely Here to Stay

Click Here to Read: As Covid-19 Vaccines Raise Hope, Cold Reality Dawns That Illness Is Likely Here to Stay: Ease of transmission, new strains, limits of vaccination programs all mean Covid-19 will be around for years—and a big business By Daniela Hernandez  and Drew Hinshaw in the Wall Street Journal on February 7, 2021.  Image:

The Imaginary, Symbolic, and Real Body with Erik Porge online with Après-Coup


Pablo Picasso, Femme couchée lisant (Reclining Woman Reading), 1960
© Estate of Pablo Picasso/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

WORKSHOP  The Imaginary, Symbolic, and Real Body Erik Porge   Saturday, February 20, 2021 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM (EST)
2020 has been a moment of truth for analysts, too. The pandemic and State health regulations related to it had an impact on the practice of psychoanalysis, unveiling confusions and misunderstandings on the part of the analysts themselves. Psychoanalysis is based on the subjective presence in the treatment, where the relation between speech and body weaves together life, death, sexuality, i.e. the drives and their vicissitudes. Presence allows for the psychoanalytic act to take place and for the treatment to unfold. The issues of “cure” in analysis
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