The Logic of the Unconscious and the Drive: Remarks on the Foundation of Psychoanalysis with André Michels online with André Michels

Henri Matisse, Sorrow of the King, 1952
FOUNDATIONS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS  The Logic of the Unconscious and the Drive: Remarks on the Foundation of Psychoanalysis  André Michels  Saturday, February 6, 202110:00 AM – 12:30 PM (EST)

Lacan’s logical investigations of the unconscious is already at work in Freud’s elaboration of The Interpretation of Dreams. The radical newness of psychoanalysis is to situate the unconscious in relation to the drive, as its ethical kernel; yet the amazing proximity, if not identity, in psychoanalysis of logic, ethics, and aesthetics is one anticipated by Wittgenstein.
Suggested readings: Freud: The Interpretation of Dreams (1900). Lacan: Seminar XIV, La logique du fantasme, 1966-67. Wittgenstein, Ludwig: Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (1922).
André Michels is a psychoanalyst practicing in Luxembourg and Paris, and a member of the Après-Coup faculty. He is the co-editor of the Jahrbuch für klinische Psychoanalyse, editor of Actualité de l’hystérie, and author of numerous articles on psychoanalysis.
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POETRY MONDAY: February 1, 2021


Chris Waters

Good morning, everyone!  And a beautiful morning it is, too, here in the northeastern U.S., where we have so much to be thankful for, since our recent election.  We’re still trying to beat the corona-virus (I don’t want to capitalize the enemy), but as more of us get the vaccine, wear our masks and social distance, it will be over – not soon but eventually and perhaps while those of us who are reading this are still alive.
But enough of that depressing talk, and on to poetry, which so many of us know has the power to heal.

Our poet today comes to us from across the pond.  Chris Waters is a London-born poet and musician, born in 1946, which seems incredibly recent, now that time itself seems to have lost so much meaning.  Based in Devon since 2001, he has been performing with fellow poets, musicians and the spoken-word groups, Visible Ink and Que Pasa?  in touring productions all over the U.K. Continue reading POETRY MONDAY: February 1, 2021