Double tragedy: Survivor’s nephew uncovers fate of Polish Jews who fled to USSR

Double tragedy: Survivor’s nephew uncovers fate of Polish Jews who fled to USSR: ‘Deported. Exiled. Saved.’ uncovers dramatic new information with implications for descendants of the largest Polish survivor group — including the family of this writer By Bernard Dicheck The Times of Israel website on December 29, 2020.
Kalisz, Poland Image: Danuta B.  Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

An Open Letter to Our Republican Leaders

Click Here to Read: An Open Letter to Our Republican Leaders by Daniel Benveniste in the Frente Pratritico website on November 11, 2016.

A photograph of the Little White Schoolhouse of Ripon, claimed birthplace of the U.S. Republican Party (i.e. the site of one of the first meetings of the general “anti-Nebraska” movement of 1854 to use the name “Republican”). Image:  Laharl at English Wikipedia. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

The U.S. Capitol raid exposes the myth and pathology of American exceptionalism

Click Here To Read: The U.S. Capitol raid exposes the myth and pathology of American exceptionalism by Ronald W. Pruessen on the Conversation website on January 7, 2021 rump Supporters at Union Station Columbus Circle along 1st Street at Massachusetts Avenue, NE, Washington DC on Wednesday morning, 6 January 2021 Image: Elvert Barnes Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Jews in North America

1.  The first Jews to set foot in North America arrived in New York as a group of 23 in 1654.

2.  Congregation Shearith Israel, founded in New York in 1654, was the first synagogue in the colonies. It was the sole purveyor of kosher eat until 1813.

3.  By the late 19th century, there were over 5,000 kosher butchers and 1,000 slaughterers in New York.

4.  In 1902, the Beef Trust raised the price of kosher meat on the Lower East Side from 12 to 18 cents per pound. After butchers’ boycotts proved ineffectual, 20,000 Lower East Side women stole meat from kosher butcher shops and set it on fire on the streets
in protest. The Forward supported their efforts, running the headline “Bravo, Bravo, Bravo, Jewish women!”
Continue reading Jews in North America

Jews From Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria Were Killed by the Nazis at Sobibor

Click Here to Read: Jews From Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria Were Killed by the Nazis at Sobibor: ID tags unearthed at the site of the death camp reveal that hundreds of the victims had roots in North Africa by Ofer Aderet on the Haaretz website on January 10, 2021.
Monument in w:en:Sobibór extermination camp Image: Sgvb Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

The Capitol Rioters Weren’t ‘Low Class’

Click Her to Read: The Capitol Rioters Weren’t ‘Low Class’ : The business owners, real-estate brokers, and service members who rioted acted not out of economic desperation, but out of their belief in their inviolable right to rule by Adam Serwer on the Atlantic website on  January 12, 2021. United States Capitol Building in Washington, DC – Segway Rider Image: David Maiolo  Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.