Director Navah C. Kaplan, Ph.D. Co-Director

The Psychoanalytic Fellowship is a free, one-year program at the New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute designed to introduce participants to modern psychoanalytic theory and practice. Fellows attend two monthly seminars.  In one seminar, invited analysts from our faculty present analytic case material and join the class discussion of the case. In the other seminar, discussion and readings are used to teach psychoanalytic principles that inform current expertise in psychoanalysis as a form of therapy, psychoanalysis as a model of how the mind works, and psychoanalysis as a method of investigating clinical data.  

Application to the Fellowship is open to candidates earning doctoral degrees in psychology and social work, residents and fellows in psychiatry, and licensed clinical social workers currently pursuing advanced training or experience in psychotherapy. July 1, 2019 is the deadline for applying for the academic year October 2019 – April 2020.

Interested persons should contact Dr. Rebecca Twersky at, or Dr. Navah Kaplan at to arrange a brief phone interview.

The New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
247 East 82nd Street, New York, NY  10028-2701
T: 212.879.6900  ·  F: 212.879.0588