Click Here to Read: Review of Tales of the Unconscious by Christopher Gibson reviewed by Maurice Whelan

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About Tales of the Unconscious:
Tales from the Unconscious is a collection of stories from the anarchic world of the unconscious. It is for anyone interested in the inner life, as described by psychoanalysis, especially if you are approaching the ideas for the first time. The stories attempt to illustrate the vicissitudes of our inner lives and the unconscious by which we live..There are three short books in one:

Expectations, short stories about love—unrequited, failed, impossible, and cruel. In Provocations, the theme is the provocative arousal of emotions in another person. And Audacities is a collection about the audacity of suicide that affects many lives. I try to show how cruelty, unkindness, and envy creep into all aspects of life. After a suicide, nothing is resolved.

Christopher Gibson is a psychoanalyst, a child analyst, a training analyst of the Swedish Psychoanalytical Association, and a member of the International Psychoanalytical Association. He practices and teaches in Gothenburg, Sweden.