The Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, The Metropolitan Center for Mental Health and
The Metropolitan Society of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists Invite you to a Scientific Meeting


Here’s a paradox: psychoanalytic practice focuses on the impact of early loss, trauma, and conflict as they inform and shape patient and analyst’s experience in the present. Whatever our particular theory, we’re accustomed to making these links and helping people unpack and move beyond their personal ghosts. But there’s a future ghost that we avoid examining, no matter whom we’re working with. It is the ghost of who we will become—of our own aging. Most of us avoid dealing with the inevitability of growing old, much less our death. We avoid examining, much less theorizing, its impact on us as analysts. How will we manage the impending diminishment of capacity that often comes with aging? How will we help our patients confront this, and other actualities associated with aging?

This presentation examines the impact—personal and theoretical—of aging on us as analysts. Dr. Slochower then considers how aging may affect our relationship to the work we do. Do we shift our theory or alter our adherence to it as we grow older, and if so, how?

Learning objectives:
Participants will: 1) be able to describe the central issues and conflicts raised by the prospect of aging,
2) understand how our avoidance of aging can close down the treatment experience, 3) be able to link changes in theory to changes in the analyst’s perspective as he/she ages, 4) have a clearer understanding of the positive and negative ways that aging can affect the analyst’s work.

Joyce Slochower Ph.D., ABPP, Professor Emerita of Psychology: Hunter College & the Graduate Center, CUNY. Faculty and Supervisor: NYU Postdoctoral Program; The Steven Mitchell Center; National Training Program, NIP; Philadelphia Center for Relational Studies, Philadelphia; Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California, San Francisco. Dr. Slochower has published numerous articles on various aspects of psychoanalytic theory and technique. Second Editions of her two books, Holding and Psychoanalysis: A Relational Perspective (1996) and Psychoanalytic Collisions (2006), were released in 2014 (Routledge). She is Co-Editor, with Lew Aron and Sue Grand, of the forthcoming books De-idealizing Relational Theory: A Critique from Within and Decentering Relational Theory: A Comparative Critique.

The New York State Education Department has approved this meeting for 2 contact hours (CEUs) for LMSWs, LCSWs, LMHCs and LPs. A certificate will be emailed to those who sign the attendance sheet at the end of the meeting, complete an evaluation and pay an administrative fee of $15. There is no charge for those affiliated with MITPP, MCMH or MSPP.

No registration or fee required. Refreshments served following the presentation.
Reidy Hall of Unitarian Church of All Souls
1157 Lexington Avenue (between 79th & 80th Streets)
New York, NY 10075

For further information: email, visit or phone (212) 496-2858

Program Committee: Gino Benza, LCSW, Chair * Carmen Bracero, LCSW *
Joyce A. Lerner, LCSW * Carol Mazor, LCSW * Barbara Reichenthal, LCSW, BCD *
Ivy Vale, BFA * Rosemarie Verderame, LCSW

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