NYPSI WORKS IN PROGRESS SEMINAR: The Death I Want with Roger Kliger, M.D. Geriatric doctor geriatrician consulting and diagnostic examining elderly senior adult patient older perso on aging and mental health care in medical clinic office or hospital examination room

Wednesday, June 6, 2018 at 8 PM New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute 247 East 82nd Street, NYC (btw 2nd and 3rd Aves)
$15 – General Admission $10 – Student Admission No charge for NYPSI members/students Register HERE, visit nypsi.org or call 212.879.6900

Dr. Kligler will be lecturing about medical aid in dying (MAiD), the ability of terminally ill, mentally competent individuals to receive a prescription from their physicians to end their suffering by dying in their sleep. He has a unique perspective on the subject. Having practiced internal medicine in both inpatient and outpatient setting, he cared for many people during their end of life. He practiced in an age before palliative care and cared for his patients when they were on hospice, needed terminal sedation or terminal extubation. He has incurable, metastatic prostate cancer and has been treated since 2002.

Medical aid in dying is currently authorized in six states and the District of Columbia, with Hawaii starting in 2019. This represents 20% of the U.S. population being covered, and it is currently being considered in NY and NJ. Dr. Kligler will discuss his journey from physician to patient to advocate, the medical framework around MAiD, the 20 years of experience in Oregon with MAiD, and how MAiD improves the end of life care for even those who choose not to use it.

No CME/CE credits offered.

Dr. Roger Kligler is a retired Internist with incurable metastatic prostate cancer. He graduated from Georgetown University School of Medicine in 1978, and did his internship at Cornell Cooperating Hospitals 1979. He trained in primary care internal medicine at University of California Davis in 1981 and is Board certified in Internal Medicine. He practiced in Little Falls, NY for 1 year and then in Brockton, MA where he practiced Internal Medicine and was Medical Director of Goddard Medical Associates and subsequently Bridgewater Goddard Park Medical Associates. His practice was a traditional internal medicine practice, including working in the office, hospital (including ICU/CCU) and nursing homes.

Since his retirement three years ago he has devoted his time volunteering with Compassion & Choices, the nation’s oldest and largest nonprofit dedicated to improving care and expanding options at the end of life. Roger works tirelessly to educate on medical aid in dying (MAiD) across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and among legislators to enable passage of this important legislation. Medical aid in dying would give those who are terminally ill with a prognosis of 6 month or less to live the right, if their suffering becomes unbearable, to obtain a prescription from their physician to ingest a medication that would provide a peaceful ending. Dr. Kligler is lobbying for the passage of MAiD legislation. He is also suing the Commonwealth for the option of MAiD. He worked with the Massachusetts Medical Society to change it’s stance opposing MAiD to engaged neutrality, meaning that the society will work towards training physicians on MAiD and end of life care once MAiD is authorized in the Commonwealth. He is also lobbying the AMA to change its opposition to MAiD.

Francis Baudry, M.D., Chair
Works in Progress Seminar

247 East 82nd Street, NY, NY 10028 | 212.879.6900 | nypsi.org