THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR PSYCHOANALYSIS Established by Karen Horney in 1941 329 East 62nd St, New York, NY 10065 ● ●

SCIENTIFIC MEETING: THE MORALITY OF EVOLUTION By Dr. Mario Rendon Thursday, December 6, 2018
Book Signing 8:00 – 8:30 PM Book Discussion & Presentation 8:30 PM – 9:30 PM

According to Horney’s psychology of human growth, it is not to fight our nature but to realize our unique selfhood that is our uppermost life-long human task. Pure nature at birth, our self is then only potentiality, and constructing our own unique self is both privilege and obligation.

Unfortunately, self can only be constructed on top of what all generations of Homo sapiens have built before it. During this historical period a break somewhere occurred, that detoured the species from the previously reigning morality of evolution. This most likely took place about 500 generations ago.

The last ten-thousand years of Homo sapiens have accelerated the pace of material development at the cost of morality, the unique attribute of the species. It is arguably this huge cultural shift that created the conditions for the “inner stress” that Horney characterizes as the cause of our present state of moral alienation.

Mario Rendon, M.D., Certificate in Psychoanalysis, American Institute for Psychoanalysis. Past Dean: American Institute for Psychoanalysis. Past Editor: American Journal of Psychoanalysis. Clinical Associate Professor, Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Faculty, Supervisor, Training and Supervising Analyst: American Institute for Psychoanalysis. Member: American Psychoanalytic Association & Centro Psicoanalitico de Madrid. Author: Why War? Making Sense of Consciousness & Self, IPBooks (2018).

329 East 62nd Street (Bet. 1st & 2nd Avenues), NYC 10065