THE PURSUIT OF TRUTH: What is a scientific paradigm? Richard Koenigsberg

Victor Gijsbers

Victor Gijsbers provides the best explication and discussion of the concept of a scientific paradigm that I’ve seen, heard, read–anywhere. Required listening (only 10 minutes long).

Click Here to View:  first video is called,  “Thomas Kuhn, Normal Science.”

Paradigm: all the theories, concepts, methods and measuring instruments that a scientific discipline takes for granted and that directs research in that discipline.

Normal science revolves around a well-functioning paradigm–in which the scientists in that field are confident. When within the paradigm, there are many things that scientists don’t want to be critical about. At this phase of science, it’s a waste of time to be critical about the paradigm.

We can answer detailed questions about history or any other subject because we can take a large theoretical and methodological background for granted. So we don’t have to be critical about these things and can focus our thoughts on the single question before us.

Victor Gijsbers
Leiden University, University Lecturer Metaphysics and Philosophy of Science