Click Here to Preorder: Warmed by the Fires: Selected Papers of Allan Frosch on 

Advance Praise for Warmed by the Fires:

“A rare and sensitively written collection of writings inspired by the uniquely gifted psychoanalyst, Allan Frosch, a North American analytic clinician, teacher, thinker and writer of the highest caliber. Frosch’s own papers demonstrate remarkable breadth and depth while carrying a humble brilliance that embodies the soul and wisdom of an authentic psychoanalytic genius. The essays by Frosch’s colleagues, each bringing both a personal and scholarly perspective to the generous work of their late colleague, serve to illuminate his curious, independent-minded thinking across a wide range of analytic issues and ideas. What comes through both in Frosch’s wit, an open-minded yet hard-headed pursuit of knowledge, and considerable integrity throughout his notable contribution in his writings, for his patients, and on behalf of his colleagues and students at IPTAR. I enthusiastically recommend this book for beginning and experienced analysts alike, and in particular for those who have yet to be acquainted with the treasures and warmth of Allan Frosch’s unique fires.”

—Michael J. Diamond, PhD, FIPA, Training and Supervising Analyst, Los Angeles Institute & Society for Psa. Studies; author of My Father Before Me: How Fathers and Sons Influence Each Other Throughout Their Lives and The Second Century of Psychoanalysis: Evolving Perspectives on Therapeutic Action.

“This is a brilliant and moving book about one man’s engagement with the unique psychic world of each of his patients. It is clinically exciting and the theory that informs each analytic encounter with the clinical is never stodgy or dogmatic but always “evenly hovering” between experience and the wish to grasp it. Each chapter is introduced by experienced colleagues who engage with Dr. Frosch’s ideas with great respect, but also with their own originality enriching the engagement. The result is a book full of brilliant ideas about the complexity of the psychoanalytic situation. There will be no readers of this remarkable book who will not be challenged to review all of their own psychoanalytic experience and learn from the courage of Dr. Frosch’s work with the complexities of the human condition as we all encounter it hour by Psychoanalytic hour. It is a book to cherish and be challenged by, which is surely what every great book hopes to achieve.”

—Eugene Mahon, MD,Training and Supervising Analyst, Columbia Psychoanalytic Center for Training & Research. author of A Psychoanalytic Odyssey, Rensal the Redbit, and Boneshop of the Heart.


“This memorial collection of 20 years of the writings and legacy of the late Allan Frosch has been lovingly compiled, with deep gratitude and appreciation, by Cancelmo, Monder, and Myers, his long time peer supervision group. Each of the chapters is prefaced by the “reflections” of colleagues who convey their deep respect for Frosch’s teachings as well as for him as a leader and innovator. Frosch’s thinking is deeply Freudian, intellectually brilliant, resonating with character and integrity. This is indeed a gift for the entire psychoanalytic community.”
—Janice S. Lieberman, PhD Training and Supervising Analyst and Faculty at IPTAR; author of Body Talk: Looking and Being Looked at in Psychotherapy and Clinical Evolutions on the Superego, Body and Gender In Psychoanalysis.

“In compiling this wonderful book, the editors have given us an invaluable gift. Allan Frosch’s remarkable essays, innovative, insightful and rich with clinical wisdom, make an enduring contribution to analytic theory and practice.The books original format with its use of scholarly introductions to the papers by a group of Frosch’s peers, many themselves notable authors, only adds to its value. This is a book to be treasured by anyone seriously interested in analytic therapy.”—Theodore Jacobs, MD Ttraining & Supervising Analyst at the New York and IPE Psa. Institutes; author of  The Uses of the Self: Countertransference and Communication in the Analytic Situation and The Possible
Profession; The Analytic Process of Change.