Click Here to Purchase:Failures in Psychoanalytic Treatment edited by Joseph Reppen and Martin A. Schulman

Advance praise for Failures in Psychoanalytic Treatment:

Carefully balanced in terms of the different psychoanalytic schools and with sensitive appreciation of the subjective dimension of psychoanalytic practice, this unique text explores failures in psychoanalytic treatment – both objective and subjective … ….the reader is treated to a panorama of insightful responses.

Gerald J. Gargiulo, PhD Author: Quantum Psychoanalysis, Essays on Physics, Mind and Analysis Today

This most welcome reissue of a unique now classic collection of essays by a diverse group of eminent psychoanalysts from the US and internationally incisively addresses the critical question of the meaning and nature of clinical failures in psychoanalysis, one which has been generally sadly ignored. These stimulating, open-minded and thoughtful essays explore what we can learn from such failures to bring progress in psychoanalysis.
—Douglas Kirsner, PhD, Author Unfree Associations; Emeritus Professor, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia