Series: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Clinical Practice During Pandemic Our Teens and Young Adults in this Pandemic/Black Lives Matter Moment Friday July 17, 2020 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm EDT A Live Program on Zoom Marsha Levy Warren, PhD CFS Training & Supervising Psychoanalyst
This presentation will emphasize the unending uncertainty that we are all experiencing and its particular impact on teens and adults, especially those of color. There are heightened concerns about upon whom young people can rely and a general disillusionment with those in authority. Again, this has particular resonance for the young people of color. I also will discuss how social distancing has a differential impact on the development of teens and young adults and address how our current circumstances present opportunities for growth in families.
Marsha Levy Warren, PhD is a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst who writes, teaches, lectures, and consults both nationally Continue reading CFS COVID Series “Our Teens and Young Adults in this Pandemic/Black Lives Matter Moment” 7/17