CFS COVID Series “Our Teens and Young Adults in this Pandemic/Black Lives Matter Moment” 7/17

Series: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Clinical Practice During Pandemic Our Teens and Young Adults in this Pandemic/Black Lives Matter Moment Friday July 17, 2020  2:30 pm – 4:00 pm EDT A Live Program on Zoom Marsha Levy Warren, PhD CFS Training & Supervising Psychoanalyst


This presentation will emphasize the unending uncertainty that we are all experiencing and its particular impact on teens and adults, especially those of color. There are heightened concerns about upon whom young people can rely and a general disillusionment with those in authority. Again, this has particular resonance for the young people of color. I also will discuss how social distancing has a differential impact on the development of teens and young adults and address how our current circumstances present opportunities for growth in families.

Marsha Levy Warren, PhD is a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst who writes, teaches, lectures, and consults both nationally Continue reading CFS COVID Series “Our Teens and Young Adults in this Pandemic/Black Lives Matter Moment” 7/17

Join Us! ROOM ROUNDTABLE VIA ZOOM Sunday July 12th, 1:00 PM (New York)

Join our international ROOM community as we share thoughts and feelings in response to the evolving global situation. We are facing multiple crises and dangers but also multiple opportunities. There is a lot to begin to try to sort out as old certainties give way, for better and for worse, and new possibilities are glimpsed. It is a remarkable historical moment. Come and share how this moment is playing out in your world or in your thoughts. Please join and think with us.

To receive the invitation, please join our mailing list by visiting:


NYPSI 7/14 Virtual Mtg – Analytic Trng, White Privilege, Racism, Pandemic

Tuesday, July 14th 7:00pm – 8:30pm
In light of national protests, NYPSI’s virtual drop-in series invites those interested in psychoanalytic training to engage with us
in a conversation regarding white privilege and racism in the midst of a global health pandemic.
In conversation with:  Dr. Lynne Zeavin, Dr. Thomas DePrima, and Dr. Nicole Regent
The New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute (NYPSI) will host a regular drop-in virtual meeting for clinicians who are curious about psychoanalysis and who want a place to connect with others and to share their experiences during these uncertain times.
Rotating NYPSI training analysts and members will lead a group twice per month.
Continue reading NYPSI 7/14 Virtual Mtg – Analytic Trng, White Privilege, Racism, Pandemic

CFS COVID Series “Our Teens and Young Adults in this Pandemic/Black Lives Matter Moment” 7/17

Series: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Clinical Practice During Pandemic
Individual and Couple Psychoanalytic Work during the time of COVID19 and George Floyd: Thinking about the Potential to Inflict Harm. Friday July 24, 2020  2:30 pm – 4:00 pm EDT A Live Program on Zoom Vivian Eskin, PhD CFS Training & Supervising Psychoanalyst

The current coronavirus pandemic has laid bare two societies living along lines of class and race – a divided country.  Just as we were coming out of the tragic circumstances of living with COVID19 in New York, the murder of George Floyd forced us to see what we previously ignored. It merged the plagues of police brutality, prejudice, racism. The hatred that we have been denying, turning a blind eye and covering up for decades came to the fore. While the issues around the pandemic, corruption and racism occur daily around the world, they also live inside of us – in the internal world of all individuals and couples. Continue reading CFS COVID Series “Our Teens and Young Adults in this Pandemic/Black Lives Matter Moment” 7/17

A conversation regarding white privilege and racism in the midst of a global health pandemic at NYPSI

Monday, June 29th 7:00pm – 8:30pm In light of the national protests, NYPSI’s virtual drop-in series shifts focus. We invite those interested in psychoanalytic training to engage with us in a conversation regarding white privilege and racism in the midst of a global health pandemic. In conversation with: Dr. Hilli Dagony-Clark, Dr. Lisa Deutscher, and Dr. Steven Wein

The New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute (NYPSI) will host a regular drop-in virtual meeting for clinicians who are curious about psychoanalysis and who want a place to connect with others and to share their experiences during these uncertain times. Rotating NYPSI training analysts and members will lead a group twice per month. Continue reading A conversation regarding white privilege and racism in the midst of a global health pandemic at NYPSI

Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Clinical Practice During Pandemic Substance Abuse and Sex Addictions in the Time of COVID-19 Online with CFS

Series: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Clinical Practice During Pandemic
Substance Abuse and Sex Addictions
in the Time of COVID-19
Friday June 19, 2020  2:30-4:30pm EST
via Zoom
Joseph Collins, DO
Medical Director, Saint Luke Institute Residential Treatment Program
Clark Hudak, PhD
Founder and CEO of Recovery Network
Webinar Overview     
This webinar is designed to assist analysts, therapists, and other clinicians working with people suffering from addiction. An overview of relevant theoretical perspectives of addiction will be presented, followed by a discussion of the COVID crisis and its impact on addiction treatment. Elements of trauma theory will be considered as it relates to addiction, the COVID pandemic, and the impact on the analytic dyad. The presenters have extensive experience on these subject matters, and they will be able to draw parallels between various addictive states with in-depth clinical examples, including process material. Reference will be made to the works of Bass, Brenner, Khantzian, Krystal, Stoller, and Wurmser.

Continue reading Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Clinical Practice During Pandemic Substance Abuse and Sex Addictions in the Time of COVID-19 Online with CFS