A Courageous Trip by First Responders to Puerto Rico Following Hurricane Maria in September 2017 with Dr. Edward Colt at NYPSI

“A Courageous Trip by First Responders to Puerto Rico Following Hurricane Maria in September 2017” Dr. Edward Colt  Wednesday, November 6, 2019 | 8:00 pm New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute 247 East 82nd Street, NYC (btwn 2nd and 3rd Aves) $20 – General Admission $15 – Student Admission No charge for NYPSI members/students Register HERE, visit nypsi.org or call 212.879.6900
We were 3 doctors and 6 nurses. What we found was chaos – roads destroyed, electricity gone, clean water unavailable, medical care unavailable, education unavailable.  No one was helping the local Continue reading A Courageous Trip by First Responders to Puerto Rico Following Hurricane Maria in September 2017 with Dr. Edward Colt at NYPSI

For Want of Ambiguity: Order and Chaos in Art, Psychoanalysis, and  Neuroscience Co-Presenters:  Ludovica Lumer, Ph.D. and Lois Oppenheim, Ph.D. at Arnold Pfeffer Center of NYPSI

Arnold Pfeffer Center of the New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute For Want of Ambiguity: Order and Chaos in Art, Psychoanalysis, and  Neuroscience Co-Presenters:  Ludovica Lumer, Ph.D. and Lois Oppenheim, Ph.D.
Saturday, November 2, 2019,  10 am – 12 pm  The Marianne & Nicholas Young Auditorium  247 E. 82nd Street, NYC Free and open to the public  RSVP is appreciated but not required; first come, first-seated To register, click
HERE, visit nypsi.org, or call 212.879.6900
Everything changes, moves, varies, appears and disappears in the environment around us and within our selves. This continual change has modelled our nervous system to extract a sort of stability out of what is not Continue reading For Want of Ambiguity: Order and Chaos in Art, Psychoanalysis, and  Neuroscience Co-Presenters:  Ludovica Lumer, Ph.D. and Lois Oppenheim, Ph.D. at Arnold Pfeffer Center of NYPSI

Freud’s Case Studies Mark Stafford and Martin Winn  at Après-Coup

Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association presents: READING GROUP Freud’s Case Studies Mark Stafford and Martin Winn  

This reading group will read closely and clinically Freud’s case studies. We will compare and contrast them with Freud’s biographical studies. How Lacan discusses these cases in his seminars will also influence the way these studies are read. 

The group will begin on Tuesday, October 29, 2019, to meet monthly through May 2020. Meetings will take place from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Continue reading Freud’s Case Studies Mark Stafford and Martin Winn  at Après-Coup

WCSPP Annual Conference

How the Therapist’s Humanity Interacts with the Therapeutic Ideal

Keynote Speakers: Irwin Hirsch, Ph.D., Marc Rehm, Ph.D., Joyce Slochower, Ph.D., Joye Weisel-Barth, Ph.D. Moderator, Linda Fleischman, LCSW Saturday, November 23, 2019 8:30 am – 3:00 pm
Renaissance Hotel 80 West Red Oak Lane, West Harrison, NY

About this conference: Continue reading WCSPP Annual Conference

Art, Art History, and Psychoanalytic Insights with Laurie Wilson and Lois Oppenheim at NYPIS

NYPSI’s 1039th Scientific Program Meeting: Art, Art History, and Psychoanalytic Insights with presenter Laurie Wilson, Ph.D. and discussant Lois Oppenheim, Ph.D. Art, Art History, and Psychoanalytic Insights
Tuesday, November 12, 2019, 8:00 – 10:00 pm New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute 247 East 82nd Street, NYC (btwn 2nd and 3rd Aves) $30 – General Admission $20 – Student Admission (non-NYPSI) No charge for NYPSI members and students
HERE,  visit  nypsi.org or call 212.879.6900
Two diverse approaches to writing a psychoanalytic biography of an artist will be described. A focus on unconscious fantasy as a means of unraveling enigmas in Alberto Giacometti’s life characterized the first approach. Close Continue reading Art, Art History, and Psychoanalytic Insights with Laurie Wilson and Lois Oppenheim at NYPIS

The Psychoanalsts’s Aversion to Proof with Austen Ratner at AIP

THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR PSYCHOANALYSIS: Established by Karen Horney in 1941 Continuing Education Program:  2 CONTACT HOURS for Licensed Social Workers 329 East 62nd St, New York, NY 10065   aipnyc.org ● info@aipnyc.org
Presenter: Austin Ratner, MD Date & Time: Thursday, November 14, 2019 [8:00 PM – 10:00 PM] Contact Hours: 2 (for Licensed Social Workers) Location: 329 East 62nd St (Bet. 1st & 2nd Avenues), NYC 10065

Overview: Dr. Ratner’s new book, The Psychoanalyst’s Aversion to Proof, presents original new ideas for healing the age-old divide between Continue reading The Psychoanalsts’s Aversion to Proof with Austen Ratner at AIP

WORKSHOP: Psychosis and the Social Link at Après-Coup

Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association presents

Detail of artwork by Judith Scott, fiber and found objects.

WORKSHOP: Psychosis and the Social Link November 1–3, 2019The School of Visual Arts 133 West 21st St. (between 6th and 7th Ave.) Room 101c, New York, NY

A three-day workshop on the psychoanalytic treatment of psychosis with 
Willy Apollon, Danielle Bergeron, and Lucie Cantin 
Psychoanalysts at GIFRIC (Groupe interdisciplinaire freudien de recherche et d’intervention clinique et culturelle), they co-founded The Psychoanalytic Treatment Center of Québec in 1982, a public service for the psychoanalytic Continue reading WORKSHOP: Psychosis and the Social Link at Après-Coup