Continuing Education Program: 2 CONTACT HOURS for licensed social workers
329 East 62nd Street — New York, NY 10065 — (212) 838-8044 — —
Psychoanalytic Reflections: Searching for a Passionate Neutrality
Sandra Buechler, PhD Date: Thursday, March 22, 2018 , Time: 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm, General Admission is FREE!
Cost: $20.00 (applies only to licensed social workers wanting to receive their CE certificates)
Contact Hours: 2
Everything I have written can be understood as an effort to find a sufficiently passionate form of treatment. In one of the papers in my collection, Psychoanalytic Reflections: Training and Practice (2017, IP Books) I explore how profound feelings about life and health can be integrated into an analytic approach that also honors the concept of neutrality. In this talk I consider how the clinician can inspire active hope, engage in treatment emotionally, facilitate fighting depression, and other challenges. Continue reading Psychoanalytic Reflections: Searching for a Passionate Neutrality with Sandra Buechler at AIP