On Censorship online with Après-Coup

PRESENTATIONS BY APRÈS-COUP MEMBERS  On Censorship  Saturday, May 15, 2021 1030 AM – 1:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time (US and Canada) Note change of time to 10:30
Salvatore F. Guido    Why the Ethics of Psychoanalysis Is Not an Ethics of Censorship
Annie Muir   On the Prohibition to Think
Mark Stafford   Censorship & the Evanescence of the Subject
Scott Von   The Analytic Cure: From Imposed Speech to Inspired Writing

To register, click here. This event is free and open to the public and will be conducted online via Zoom.
Copyright © 2021 Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Après-Coup Psychoanalytic AssociationPO Box 1039
Cooper Station
New York, Ny 10003

My Country, My Self: Separation, Identity and Dissonance with presenter Coline Covington at online with NYPSI

NYPSI’s 1048th Scientific Meeting:  My Country, My Self: Separation, Identity and Dissonance with presenter Coline Covington, Ph.D. and discussants Anna Balas, M.D. and Gilda Sherwin, M.D.

Saturday, May 22, 2021 | 10:00 am – 12:00 pm (EST) (Held Virtually on ZOOM)    $30 – General Admission $20 – Student Admission
No charge for NYPSI members and students   Register 
HERE, visit  nypsi.org or call 212.879.6900

THIS MEETING IS VIRTUAL; READ INSTRUCTIONS TO ENSURE SUCCESSFUL REGISTRATION: Buy your ticket at nypsi.org. Making payment/signing up is only step 1. Continue reading My Country, My Self: Separation, Identity and Dissonance with presenter Coline Covington at online with NYPSI

On Voluntary Servitude Paola Mieli  With the participation of Raffaella Colombo online with Après-Coup

SEMINAR: On Voluntary Servitude   Paola Mieli   With the participation of  Raffaella Colombo Saturday, May 8th, 2021 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (EST)
In times like these, as new forms of totalitarianism are taking over everywhere, it’s necessary to reflect on humans’ inherent propensity to take joy in their own servitude. Returning to Freud’s and Lacan’s articulations of the subject of language and the social link, and that subject’s passion for ignorance, the seminar will explore the nature of the drive, masochism, and the ways the superego dictates the law one abides by. Psychoanalytic ethics can open a breach out of subjective servitude.
Suggested readings for May 8th: Xenophon, Hiero (c 430-354 BC);  Etienne de la Boétie (1530-1563), The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude; S. Freud, Group Psychology and Analysis of the Ego (1921); L. Strauss, On Tyranny, chapter IV (1948).Paola Mieli is a psychoanalyst practicing in New York City. She is the president of Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association (New York), a member of Le Cercle Freudien (Paris), of Espace Analytique (Paris), and of the section of Psychoanalysis in Psychiatry of the World Psychiatry Association (WPA). She is the author of numerous essays on psychoanalysis
Continue reading On Voluntary Servitude Paola Mieli  With the participation of Raffaella Colombo online with Après-Coup

Stress online with the Helix Center

LINK TO REGISTER & YOUTUBE TBA A testament to its ubiquity, STRESS is woven into our very words, our thoughts and our emotions. We stress words to give them emphasis. We stress wood to make it stronger rather than splinter. And we feel distress, both when overwhelmed with dread, but also sometimes in joyous anticipation.
The chase creates stress. Loss and failure create stress. Even attaining the prize, whether chosen or befallen, can also deliver stress, and plenty, along with its winnings.
Change often means stress. Stress is the white noise of life, whether we perceive it or somehow manage to habituate to it.
Of late our culture has grown more attuned to the semiotics of stress, as it expresses itself in our brains and guts, our minds and bodies, our spirit and imagination. When it derives from a goal achieved, it may serve as fuel. But, with a pain inflicted, when choice is not possible, when we are the object
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Narcissitic Personality Disorder within the Framework of Object Relations Theory Online with TFP

TFP-NEW YORK The Home of Transference Focused Psychotherapy in North America Is Pleased to Present 
Within the Framework of Object Relations Theory
-Current Perspectives-

This is a Zoom Conference

OCTOBER 22, 2021

8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
US Eastern Daylight Savings Time


Otto Kernberg, John Clarkin
Frank Yeomans, Diana Diamond, Eve Caligor
Barry Stern, Nicole Cain, Julia Sowislo 

General Admission:  $100.00
Members of ISTFP International and TFP-NY: $65.00
Students with ID: $50.00


Impasse Redux with Ann Rudovsky & Jules Owen online with CFS

PSYCHOANALYTIC BROOKLYN: IMPASSE REDUX  with Ann Rudovsky, LCSW & Jules Owen, SJD, LP  Friday, May 14, 2021 1:30-3:00pm Online via Zoom
An impasse is a blind alley, a predicament from which there is no obvious escape. When not worked through, impasses can lead to prolonged stalemates, often with the patient leaving prematurely or being unable to move towards a meaningful termination. The potential for an impasse to emerge is overdetermined: it can both express and conceal a variety of feelings that may be unbearable for the patient to tolerate and for the analyst to work through. Just as both patient and analyst play a role in creating and then perpetuating the impasse, each also feels thwarted, blaming the other for not seeing their point of view.

Continue reading Impasse Redux with Ann Rudovsky & Jules Owen online with CFS

FOUNDATIONS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS:  What Is Speaking?  Alain Vanier with Après-Coup

FOUNDATIONS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS:  What Is Speaking?  Alain Vanier  Friday, April 23, 2021 •  6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Saturday, April 24, 2021 •  1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Time (US and Canada)
By introducing notions such as lalangue, “saying” (le dire), and “the said” (le dit), Lacan alters, without abandoning, the scope of the function of speech and spoken language as articulated by Freud, albeit in a paradoxical manner which we will explore. 
Suggested readings: Lacan: Seminars XIX, 1971-72, Ou pire; XX, 1972-73, Encore; “Le savoir du psychanalyste” (lectures, 1971-72, Hôpital Sainte-
Continue reading FOUNDATIONS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS:  What Is Speaking?  Alain Vanier with Après-Coup