2019 CIPS/NAPsaC Biennial Conference

Dear Colleagues,Please join us at the historic Explorer’s Club in NYC as we present a distinguished panel including Sergio Nick, IPA Vice President and child analyst, who will address political turmoil following the recent presidential election in Brazil and its impact in the consulting room; Louis Brunet, NapsaC representative from Montreal and an expert on world terrorism, who will discuss destructivity and identity; and Cordelia Schmidt-Hellerau from Boston, who has written widely on aggression and will present some thoughts on how to detect and address aggression in clinical work during these times of global disruption. Maureen Murphy, from San Francisco, will moderate the panel.

The topic is timely and of importance to all of us who experience the intrusions of national and global events of the day entering the treatment room.

Hope to see you on May 3rd!

Warm regards,
Randi Wirth and Maureen Murphy

Crashing the Consultation Room                                                                                2019 CIPS/NAPsaC Biennial Clinical Conference in New York

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