PSYCHOANALYTIC BROOKLYN: Presents LIFE INSIDE THE CLAUSTRUM with Susan Finkelstein and Jamieson Webster online with CFS

Friday, March 19, 2021 12:00 – 1:30pm EST Online via Zoom
As we are all feeling claustro-agoraphobic in lockdown, perhaps a return to these classic themes will give new meaning to the palpable and primitive anxieties at the threat of having to emerge from the claustrum. In this talk, Susan Finkelstein will present the history of thinking related to claustrophobia, the maternal claustrum, fears of invading the mother’s body/being invaded by the mother, and subsequent sexual phobias.
“The phallic phase leads the child into a maze of ‘claustrum’ fantasies, in which some children…get hopelessly lost. They want to touch, enter and know the secrets of all interiors but are frightened of dark rooms and dream of jails and tombs” (Homburger, (1937). Psycho. Quarterly, pp. 171-172).
The presentation will conclude by discussing the 1942 Jacques Tourneau film Cat People, as well as an analytic case presented by Jamieson Webster where an intensification of claustro-agoraphobic anxieties surge during the resumption of in-person treatment, dreams by the patient showing themes around the dread of intercourse and fears of contamination, infection and the genocide of babies.

Continue reading PSYCHOANALYTIC BROOKLYN: Presents LIFE INSIDE THE CLAUSTRUM with Susan Finkelstein and Jamieson Webster online with CFS

Creativity in the Clinical Encounter: Sunday Salon at IPTAR

Sunday Salon at IPTAR Institute for Psychoanalytic Training & Research Creativity in the Clinical Encounter
Sunday March 21, 2021 Virtual Meeting: Zoom Link Available Upon Registration
Roundtable 4:00-6:00PM 2 CE Credits
Sujatha Subramanian, PhD
(IPTAR Training Analyst and Faculty)

Mary Libbey, PhD 
(IPTAR Training Analyst)
Carlos Padrón, MA, MPhil, LP
(IPTAR Advanced candidate and Faculty)
 Modératrice: Masha Mimran, PhD
(IPTAR Advanced Candidate)

Continue reading Creativity in the Clinical Encounter: Sunday Salon at IPTAR

Webinar for Psychoanalytic Practitioners Working in Community Settings

PSYCHOANALYTIC COMMUNITY COLLABORATORY 5.0 March 1 – June 14, 2021 Webinar for Psychoanalytic Practitioners Working in Community Settings

The Psychoanalytic Community Collaboratory is a consultation group for clinicians who want to apply a relational, psychodynamic framework to working in community-based programs focused on clinical, educational, community development, and social justice goals.

In community settings, psychoanalytic clinicians function simultaneously as citizens, collaborators, and consultants. The work we do is often interdisciplinary, characterized by an approach to groups and communities in which personal and cultural histories, the unconscious, and the socio-political surround are always at play. Continue reading Webinar for Psychoanalytic Practitioners Working in Community Settings

On Voluntary Servitude with Paola Mieli online with Après-Coup

Kazimir Malevich, Female Torso, 1928-9

SEMINAR: On Voluntary Servitude   Paola Mieli   Saturday, February 27th, 2021 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (EST)
In times like these, as new forms of totalitarianism are taking over everywhere, it’s necessary to reflect on humans’ inherent propensity to take joy in their own servitude. Returning to Freud’s and Lacan’s articulations of the subject of language and the social link, and that subject’s passion for ignorance, the seminar will explore the nature of the drive, masochism, and the ways the superego dictates the law one abides by. Psychoanalytic ethics can open a breach out of subjective servitude.
Suggested readings for Febrary 27: Etienne de la Boétie (1530-1563), The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude; S. Freud, On Narcissism: An Introduction (1914); S. Freud, Group Psychology and Analysis of the Ego (1921); S. Freud, “The Libido Theory” in Two Encyclopaedia Articles (1922).
Continue reading On Voluntary Servitude with Paola Mieli online with Après-Coup