PSYCHOANALYTIC COMMUNITY COLLABORATORY 5.0 March 1 – June 14, 2021 Webinar for Psychoanalytic Practitioners Working in Community Settings

The Psychoanalytic Community Collaboratory is a consultation group for clinicians who want to apply a relational, psychodynamic framework to working in community-based programs focused on clinical, educational, community development, and social justice goals.

In community settings, psychoanalytic clinicians function simultaneously as citizens, collaborators, and consultants. The work we do is often interdisciplinary, characterized by an approach to groups and communities in which personal and cultural histories, the unconscious, and the socio-political surround are always at play.

The Psychoanalytic Community Collaboratory objectives are to:

Bring psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, educators, and other practitioners into creative conversation on compelling and persistent problems in the communities in which they live and work.
Provide perspective and skills for the challenges of working in interdisciplinary and community-based teams.
Identify a set of resources and curricula reflecting new scholarship, reports from the field, and tool-kits for practice.
The Psychoanalytic Community Collaboratory is a lively, supportive, and generative learning community with participants from all over the world.  Guided by facilitators, Jane Hassinger and Billie Pivnick, participants think together about the creation of innovative projects characterized by mutuality, reciprocity, and transformative learning. Participants share dilemmas and challenges in practice including adopting new professional roles, working in interdisciplinary teams, understanding and navigating team processes, and responding effectively to phases of project development in target communities. Facilitators offer case studies and relevant scholarship, as well as provide supervision for implementation of projects.

The web-based seminar group will meet for 14 sessions via Zoom, Mondays 7:30-9:00 PM EST, from March 1 to June 14, 2021.

For more information, please contact facilitators: Jane Hassinger or Billie Pivnick