Jewish-Uzbek historical archives open up to the public

Click Here to Read: J ewish-Uzbek historical archives open up to the public. During WWII, Uzbekistan became a sanctuary for refugees fleeing from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, etc. Jewish refugees established a thriving cultural life there, including Yiddish theater By Mordechai Haimovistz on the Jerusalem Post website on July 8, 2021.
Tashkent Image: Otoirov Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.


Volney Gay Speaks about his research, teaching, and clinical work on YouTube

Click Here to View: Volney Gay Speaks about his research, teaching, and clinical work on YouTube, 
On the occasion of his retirement, Volney Gay, Professor of Psychiatry, Religious Studies, and Anthropology, talks with Chris Benda, Librarian for Religious Studies and Theology, about his research, teaching, and clinical work. The video was recorded on March 27, 2018.
Click Here to Purchase: On The Pleasures of Owning Persons: The Hidden Face of American Slavery by Volney Gay from


Through a Screen Darkly: Psychoanalytic Reflections During the Pandemic by Ahron Friedberg and Sandra Sherman

This book offers real-time, intimate reflections on Dr Friedberg’s patients as they struggle with COVID-19 and<its disruptive, dispiriting fallout. Offering a series of intense encounters with worried ,traumatized people, this book will be invaluable to training and practicing psychiatrists, as it points to the several possible directions for our national, psychological recovery from the pandemic.
Click Here to Read:  Through a Screen Darkly: Psychoanalytic Reflections During the Pandemic Background Information.
Click Here to Read: Through a Screen Darkly: Psychoanalytic Reflections During the Pandemic Press Release.
Click Here to Read: Through a Screen Darkly: Psychoanalytic Reflections During the Pandemic Discount Flyer.
Click Here to Read:  Information about Through a Screen Darkly: Psychoanalytic Reflections During the Pandemic on the All About Psychology website.