WORKSHOP: The Analyst’s Sublimation, Part II  Erik Porge Friday, February 14 • 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm Saturday, February 15 • 10:30 am – 2:00 pm The School of Visual Arts 136 West 21st Street, New York, NY

The sublimation specific to the analyst plays out in an essentially logical savoir-faire regarding the fundamental rule (on the one hand, equally suspended attention, on the other, free association). A limit-concept that works on limits, sublimation takes place at the Moebian interface between language and mathemes. It supports a different identification from that with the symptom.

Suggested readings: Lacan: Seminar XI, The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis (1964), Preface to the 1976 English-language edition; Seminar XVI, D’un Autre à l’autre, 1968-69; Autres écrits, “Proposition du 9 octobre 1967 sur le psychanalyste de l’Ecole” and “Conférence à Genève sur le symptôme” (1975). Porge, Erik: La Sublimation, une érotique pour la psychanalyse (Toulouse, érès, 2018); “De la technique analytique à la sublimation,” Essaim, no. 40 (érès, 2018).

Erik Porge is a psychoanalyst in Paris, co-founder of the school L’Instance lacanienne, editor-in-chief of the journal Essaim, and a faculty member of Après-Coup. He is a widely published author, including, in English translation, of Truth and Knowledge in the Clinic, Agincourt, 2017.

Attendance fee: $30 per session.

For students with ID: $20 per session.

Note: Payment by cash or check only.

Attendance is free for all members of Après-Coup as well as for the faculty and students of the School of Visual Arts.

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